Optimizing a Highly Sought After Technology Company

THE SITUATION: $6.6 MM revenue technology company is being actively pursued by investors. The owner wanted a valuation and analysis of the business through a buyer’s lens so he could understand the proper strategy to deploy in order to grow the company in a meaningful way that will increase value and marketability in anticipation of a future exit via a sale to a third-party.

Key Owner Questions


Create an actionable Master Exit Plan® that will provide the owner with a benchmark value and optimization plan to meaningfully increase the business value ensuring that upon exit multiple buyers will be attracted into the process, driving price and terms.


The optimization plan to de-risk the company and increase value through revenue and margin growth is currently being executed. Revenue increased 56% and EBITDA 95% in the two years of activating their Master Exit Plan®. The company is currently focused on increasing subscription revenue which will drive the success of their transaction.

Next Steps

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